The Wonder of Frankincense

One of the most important essential oils at Gifts of Nature Organics is Frankincense. Frankincense is derived from a tree called Boswellia and is native to the regions of North Africa and the southern Arabian Peninsula. The tiny nation of Oman perfected its production and shipped the fragrant resin all over the Mediterranean, India and China for literally thousands of years. The name frankincense is derived from the French term “franc encens,” which means high quality incense. It has a potent aroma which is woody, earthy and spicy with some describing the scent as licorice like.

Benefits to be attained from this powerful oil are that it may reduce arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory effects. It has. also been linked to healthy gut function, reducing the effects of disabling maladies such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, the two most common inflammatory stomach diseases. Frankincense has been used for centuries to treat bronchitis and asthma. A small study done on asthma sufferers found that 70% of those participating reported improvements in symptoms. The high content of boswellic acids in Frankincense are strong antibacterials, which help prevent bad breath and toothaches when taken orally. These boswellic acids also have shown promise in the fight to prevent cancer cells from spreading.

Be careful, though, of products that go a bit too far in promoting benefits of Frankincense that have no proof in testing and trials. Be wary of any Frankincense product that says it prevents heart disease (it does not), or is an anti acne product (no studies support this claim), or that it improves memory (again no studies support this).

At Gifts of Nature Organics we feature six products that contain Frankincense. These products are:

Massage Oil - used in our spa A Healing Touch at IPT for all our deep tissue and lymphatic drainage massasges

Avocado and Blueberry Butters - made for their skin moisturizing properties

Third Trimester Body Butter for moms to be

Deodorant - one of our top sellers and a must for those who dislike chemical based deodorants

Abundance oil - made for our ever popular room diffusers

Restorative Cream - hand crafted and formulated to decrease inflammation of the skin while also promoting collagen production beneath the skin.

,any of our hand crafted, organic and nontoxic products, its medicinal power is breathtaking. Known for thousands of years it was administered by the ancients to help alleviate such wide ranging maladies as digestion trouble and aging skin. Why the funny name though?

Frankincense is derived from a tree called Boswellia and is native to the regions of North Africa and the southern Arabian Peninsula. The tiny nation of Oman perfected its production and shipped the fragrant resin all over the Mediterranean, India and China for literally thousands of years. The name frankincense is derived from the French term “franc encens,” which means high quality incense. It has a potent aroma which is woody, earthy and spicy with some describing the scent as licorice like.

Benefits to be attained from this powerful oil are that it may reduce arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory effects. It has. also been linked to healthy gut function, reducing the effects of disabling maladies such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, the two most common inflammatory stomach diseases. Frankincense has been used for centuries to treat bronchitis and asthma. A small study done on asthma sufferers found that 70% of those participating reported improvements in symptoms. The high content of boswellic acids in Frankincense are strong antibacterials, which help prevent bad breath and toothaches when taken orally. These boswellic acids also have shown promise in the fight to prevent cancer cells from spreading.

Be careful, though, of products that go a bit too far in promoting benefits of Frankincense that have no proof in testing and trials. Be wary of any Frankincense product that says it prevents heart disease (it does not), or is an anti acne product (no studies support this claim), or that it improves memory (again no studies support this).

At Gifts of Nature Organics we feature six products that contain Frankincense. These products are:

  • Massage Oil - used in our spa A Healing Touch at IPT for all our deep tissue and lymphatic drainage massasges

  • Avocado and Blueberry Butters - made for their skin moisturizing properties

  • Third Trimester Body Butter for moms to be

  • Deodorant - one of our top sellers and a must for those who dislike chemical based deodorants

  • Abundance oil - made for our ever popular room diffusers

    Restorative Cream - hand crafted and formulated to decrease inflammation of the skin while also promoting collagen production beneath the skin.



Judy Ryan