Humidity and Its Effect on the Skin

Welcome to summer in New Jersey....beaches, barbecues, amusement parks, hot weather and one of the highest rates of humidity in the United States.  Humidity will make anyone uncomfortable without even engaging in anything active. But truthfully, humidity is actually good for your skin. The moisture-laden atmosphere in humid climates stays on your skin thus preventing dryness. And of course, humid conditions cause you to sweat which releases toxins and clears out your pores.

There is, however, a significant downside with too much humidity. High humidity can result in the skin hosting harmful bacteria that can cause acne and infections as well as raising the risk for skin irritations such as rashes. Sixty per cent relative humidity is the ideal level to prevent dry skin and also to keep harmful bacteria away however, living in a low lying state bordering on an ocean during the summer months can find this percentage much higher thus causing skin to b more prone to breakouts.

If you do or have experienced in problems in the past with rashes or acne, you'll want to make sure you're not exacerbating skin issues by applying harmful chemicals and/or toxins to your skin. That's why it's important to read labels and research more natural and organic products when treating the largest and most visible organ of your body.

Natural anti-acne products that contain jojoba oil are especially effective against unsightly pimples, which are caused by an overproduction of sebum under the skin. Jojoba helps regulate sebum production because it shares a parallel chemical structure with sebum. This, in essence, fools the skin into thinking that enough sebum has been produced, thus ensuring an acceptable level of production.

Products that contain jojoba oil, as well as high-grade acne and rash fighting essential oils such as lavender, rosemary, carrot seed, thyme, tea tree and roman and German chamomile, are optimal in the war against pimples, rashes and other blemishing on the skin.

Remember, humidity generally is good for the skin but too much humidity can lead to unwanted conditions. Be sure to take preventative measures to keep your fresh summer skin glowing.

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